Calla Lily Bouquet

Calla Lily Bouquet

Most flowers given as gifts are cut from the trees or plants. Calla Lily is a flower both cut and used in bouquets and given as a living potted plant gift. The most common meanings of this bloom include resurrection and rebirth, faith and purity. Our flower shop have many brighten color of Calla Lilies, aside from the classic white, we also have brighten yellow, dark purple and pink. Different color have their own meaning: bright yellow for representing joy, growth, and change; dark purple for royalty and strength; pink for admiration and flirting and dark red for passion. Calla lilies make appropriate gifts for many religious holidays, aside from those occasions, consider giving the gift of the flowers for the birth of a new baby or a child’s birthday. You can also celebrating a loved one’s success at study and work with a bunch of yellow Calla Lilies.

10pcs Yellow Calla Lily Bouquet

10pcs Yellow Calla Lily Bouquet

Flower Delivery by Hong Kong Flower Shop, 10pcs New Zealand Yellow Color Calla Lily Bouquet..






Black Color Calla Lily Bouquet

Black Color Calla Lily Bouquet

A bunch of very special Cally Lily in Black Color, Black Color Calla lily Bouquet from New Zealand..


Blueberry Night

Blueberry Night

Blueberry Night..


China Cally Lily Bouquet

China Cally Lily Bouquet

10pcs China Cally Lily with seasonal flowers and fillers in a Round Bouquet ..


France Style Cally Lily Bouquet

France Style Cally Lily Bouquet

A Special France Style Bouquet with 6pcs Cally Lily from New Zealand beautifully wrapped in a Dark C..

HK$900.00 HK$950.00

New Zealand Yellow Calla Lllies

New Zealand Yellow Calla Lllies

New Zealand Yellow Calla Lily, the different with China Calla lily is the flowers is more big and it..


Pretty Woman

Pretty Woman

A Wonderful Calla Lily from New Zealand, 10 pcs Pink Color Cally Lily Bouquet for a wonderful Lady..


Showing 1 to 8 of 8 (1 Pages)

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